1. Perform Set operations using arrays
2. Perform Set operations using linked list
3. String operations without using standard library functions
4. Matrix operations : Add, Sub, Multiply, Saddle Point
5. Matrix operations : Add, Sub, Multiply, Transpose
6. Matrix operations : Add, Sub, Transpose, Check for Magic Square
7. Matrix operations : Multiplication, Transpose, Check for magic Square
8. Create a Database using array of structures and perform following operations
a. Add
b. Delete
c. Modify
d. Display
e. Search and
f. Sort
9. Create a Database using text files and perform following operations
a. Add
b. Delete
c. Modify
d. Display
e. Search and
f. Sort
10. Implement Sorting methods using functions
a. Bubble
b. Selection
11. Implement Sorting methods using functions
a. Bubble
b. Insertion
12. Implement Sorting methods using functions
a. Insertion
b. Selection
13. Implement Sorting methods using functions
a. Shell Sort
b. Bubble Sort
14. Implement Sorting methods using functions
a. Shell Sort
b. Selection
15. Implement Sorting methods using functions
a. Shell
b. Insertion
16. Implement sorting methods using recursion
a. Quick Sort
b. Merge Sort
17. Implement Searching Methods
a. Sequential Search
b. Binary Search
18. Implement Searching Methods
a. Indexed Sequential Search
b. Binary Search
19. Implement Searching Methods
a. Sequential Search
b. Fibonacci Search
20. Represent Polynomial using structures and write a menu driven program to perform addition, Multiplication and Evaluation
21. Represent Sparse matrix using array and perform matrix addition, simple and fast transpose
22. Create SLL and Write a menu driven program to perform operations on it like
a. insert an element: at start, In between, At end
b. Search
c. Delete
d. Reverse
e. Display
23. Create CLL and Write a menu driven program to perform operations on it like
a. insert an element : at start, In between, At end
b. Search
c. Delete
d. Reverse
e. Display
24. Create DLL and Write a menu driven program to perform operations on it like
a. insert an element: at start, In between, At end
b. Search
c. Delete
d. Reverse
e. Display
25. Create CDLL and Write a menu driven program to perform operations on it like
a. insert an element: at start, In between, At end
b. Search
c. Delete
d. Reverse
e. Display
26. Create two SLLs, sort one after creation and one while creation using pointer manipulation. Merge these two lists into one list without creating a new node or swapping of the data
27. Create two DLLs, sort one after creation and one while creation using pointer manipulation. Merge these two lists into one list without creating a new node or swapping of the data
28. Represent Polynomial using CLL and write a menu driven program to perform addition, Multiplication and Evaluation
29. Implement stack as an ADT using array. Use this ADT to perform expression conversion and evaluation- Prefix to postfix
30. Implement stack as an ADT using array. Use this ADT to perform expression conversion and evaluation- Postfix to Prefix
31. Implement stack as an ADT using array. Use this ADT to check the correctness of parenthesized expression e.g. (a))-wrong, (a+b)+c-correct
32. Represent a circular queue using linked list and write a program to perform operations like Insert, Delete, finding front and rear element
33. Create a Database using linked list and perform following operations
a. Add
b. Delete
c. Modify
d. Display
e. Search and
f. Sort