This chapter from Jalote gives us insight into the object oriented design and analysis.
The OO concepts which are learned from C++ point of view, will be much more clear and their applications in real world projects and thier relevancy will be clear too.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Object Oriented Design
OOP Variations
1. Write a C++ program to generate the fibonacci series for n terms
2. Write a C++ program to find the factorial of a given number using Function
3. Write a C++ program using SWITCH CASE structure to display the given number in words. (enter number between 1 and 9).
4. Write a C++ program to check whether the given string is palindrome or not
5. Write a C++ program to find the number of Odd and Even numbers in a given array.
6. Write a C++ program to transpose a 3x3 matrix.
7. Write a C++ program to add two 3x3 matrices
8. Write a C++ program using function to determine whether the given number is prime or not
9. Write a C++ program to define a class employee with the following specification
private members of class employee
empno – integer
ename - 20 characters
basic – float
Netpay, hra, da, float
calculate() - A function to find the basic+da+hra with float return type
public member functions
havedata() - A function to accept values for empno, ename, basic,hra,da and call
calculate() to compute netpay
dispdata() - A function to display all the data members on the screen
10. Write a C++ program that uses function overloading to do the following tasks
a) find the maximum of two numbers (integers)
b) find the maximum of three numbers (integers)
11. Write a C++ program to find the sum and difference of two numbers using inheritance
public add(), accept(), plus() subtract(), minus()
private sum() sub()
protected num1, num2
12. Write a C++ program to get the following output
13. Animal insurance
Write a program that prints the insurance fee to pay for a pet according to the following rules:
• A dog that has been neutered costs $50.
• A dog that has not been neutered costs $80.
• A cat that has been neutered costs $40.
• A cat that has not been neutered costs $60.
• A bird or reptile costs nothing.
• Any other animal generates an error message.
The program should prompt the user for the appropriate information, using a code to determine the kind of animal (i.e. D or d represents a dog, C or c represents a cat, B or b represents a bird, R or r represents a reptile, and anything else represents some other kind of animal).
After printing the insurance fee, the program should ask the user if (s)he wants to insure another animal.
Remember to write the program in a clear style with indentation.
14. Pupils' heights
The health visitor at a school is going to measure the heights of all pupils. For each class she makes a statistics giving the number of pupils of each height and the average height.
Make a C++ program that helps the health visitor making the statistics.
In a class with 20 pupils the heights of the individual pupils, in centimeters, are:
175, 167, 160, 164, 183, 187, 188, 179, 176, 175,
169, 175, 176, 178, 165, 160, 173, 165, 187, 178
The program should read in all the numbers and make a table like this:
height number of pupils
160 2
164 1
165 2
167 1
... ...
... ...
188 1
average height 174.0
15. Pocket calculator
The program should read in a text string containing a list of numbers separated by + or - and output the sum. The program should also tell how many positive numbers and how many negative (subtracted) numbers there are.
input: 8.4 + 2.6 - 3.5 + 1
output: result = 8.5, positive numbers: 3, negative numbers: 1.
The input cannot contain any other operators than + and -. Spaces are allowed.
The program should be organized so that main reads the input as a single text string and outputs the results. The interpretation of the text string and calculation of results should be in a separate sub-function. Do not use global variables.
Tip: the function atof can read a number from a text string. Anything that comes after the number is ignored by atof.
16. The political oracle
In the year 2097, the president of the United States of Europe doesn't have the time to write his own political speeches because he is busy hosting a lottery show on TV. His secretary has asked you to make a computer program which can write political speeches by combining popular clichés randomly. A statement is generated by combining randomly selected phrases from each of the categories G, A, S, and V below according to the scheme G - A - S - V - G - A - S. For example:
"My improved freedom benefits our common responsible national security."
Hint: The function random(n) will give you a random number in the interval from 0 to n-1. Use this function to choose a cliché from a category containing n clichés. The function randomize() must be called in the start of the main program before the first call to random(n).
Write #includeat the top of your program to get access to these functions.
Category G
my, our common, the party's, my family's, our children's, my fellow Europeans', the government's, the industry's, the consumers', the immigrants', the only truly
Category A
improved, responsible, peacekeeping, free, pro-life, politically correct, integrated, federal, progressive, anti-crime, drug-addicted, gradual, democratic, genetically engineered, racial
Category S
freedom, national security, abuse, opportunity, tax cut, congress, task force, Europe, decision, dialogue, future, community, answer, environment, set of family-values, legislation, discrimination
Category V
benefits, improves, decreases, supports, is built on, is the best guarantee for, creates an opportunity for, forms, is necessary for, will be established to combat
17. Matrix operations
Write a program that can do the following:
• addition of two matrices
• subtraction of two matrices
• multiplication of a matrix by a scalar
• multiplication of a matrix by a matrix
• transpose a matrix
The order of the matrices could be 3 x 3, or variable if you want.
18. Make a function that can solve two linear equations with two unknowns. The solution should be returned through pointer parameters or reference parameters. Make a program that inputs the six coefficients, calls the function, and outputs the solution.
19. Make a function that solves a quadratic equation, and a program that uses this function. The function should return the number of solutions as well as the solutions (if any) to the calling program.
In case you've forgotten everything you've learned in math, here are the formulae:
20. Bit manipulation
Write a function that prints out an integer in binary representation.
Write a function that finds the parity of an integer. The parity is 1 if there is an odd number of 1-bits in the binary representation of the integer, and 0 if there is an even number of 1-bits.
Write a program that reads in an integer and outputs the number in binary representation and the parity of the number, using the functions above.
21. Primes
A prime number is a positive integer which is not divisible by any other number, except by 1. The first ten prime numbers are:
1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, ...
Write a program that finds all prime numbers below 1000.
The program should determine if a number is prime by trying if it is divisible by any of the prime numbers found so far. If it is not divisible by any prime number, then it is a prime. There is no need to test even numbers.
22. Telephone directory
Make a program that can sort a list of names and telephone numbers alphabetically. Persons are sorted alphabetically by their last names. Persons with the same last name are sorted by their first names.
Input: names and telephone numbers,
Output: list of names and telephone numbers ordered alphabetically.
Define a structure named person that contains a person's first name, last name, and telephone number.
Define a function that compares two structures of type person according to the following prototype:
int compare(person * a, person * b);
This function should return a negative value if person a comes before b, and a positive value if b comes before a. (You may use the function stricmp(name1,name2) to compare two strings).
Define a function that swaps the contents of two structures of type person:
void swap(person * x, person * y);
Use the following function to sort an array of structures of type person:
void sort(person * list, int NumberOfPersons)
{ // sort list using bubble sort method (page 96):
int a, b;
for (a=1; a
for (b=NumberOfPersons-1; b>=a; b--)
if (compare(list+b-1, list+b) > 0)
swap(list+b-1, list+b);
23. Ohm's law
Make a class describing a resistor with the following members:
• a private data member for the resistance, R
• a public member function to set the value of R
• a public member function to calculate the current I from the voltage E
• a public member function to calculate the voltage E from the current I
• a public member function to calculate the power dissipation P from the current I using the formula P = I•E, where E is calculated using the previous member function.
Make a program to test this class.
24. Pendulum
Make a C++ class describing a simple pendulum with appropriate data members and member functions for setting the values of the length , mass m, and energy E, calculating the time period
and the velocity in the lower position
25. Parabola as object
Make a class defining a polynomial of second degree y = A x2 + B x + C
The coefficients A, B, C should be private. The class should contain the following member functions:
• a function that sets the coefficients to desired values
• a function that calculates y for a given value of x
• a function that tells how many roots there are and returns the roots (if any)
• a function that tells whether the polynomial has a maximum, a minimum, or no extremum, and gives x and y for the extremum (if any)
Make a program to test an object of this class.
In case you've forgotten everything you've learned in math, here are the formulae:
2. Write a C++ program to find the factorial of a given number using Function
3. Write a C++ program using SWITCH CASE structure to display the given number in words. (enter number between 1 and 9).
4. Write a C++ program to check whether the given string is palindrome or not
5. Write a C++ program to find the number of Odd and Even numbers in a given array.
6. Write a C++ program to transpose a 3x3 matrix.
7. Write a C++ program to add two 3x3 matrices
8. Write a C++ program using function to determine whether the given number is prime or not
9. Write a C++ program to define a class employee with the following specification
private members of class employee
empno – integer
ename - 20 characters
basic – float
Netpay, hra, da, float
calculate() - A function to find the basic+da+hra with float return type
public member functions
havedata() - A function to accept values for empno, ename, basic,hra,da and call
calculate() to compute netpay
dispdata() - A function to display all the data members on the screen
10. Write a C++ program that uses function overloading to do the following tasks
a) find the maximum of two numbers (integers)
b) find the maximum of three numbers (integers)
11. Write a C++ program to find the sum and difference of two numbers using inheritance
public add(), accept(), plus() subtract(), minus()
private sum() sub()
protected num1, num2
12. Write a C++ program to get the following output
13. Animal insurance
Write a program that prints the insurance fee to pay for a pet according to the following rules:
• A dog that has been neutered costs $50.
• A dog that has not been neutered costs $80.
• A cat that has been neutered costs $40.
• A cat that has not been neutered costs $60.
• A bird or reptile costs nothing.
• Any other animal generates an error message.
The program should prompt the user for the appropriate information, using a code to determine the kind of animal (i.e. D or d represents a dog, C or c represents a cat, B or b represents a bird, R or r represents a reptile, and anything else represents some other kind of animal).
After printing the insurance fee, the program should ask the user if (s)he wants to insure another animal.
Remember to write the program in a clear style with indentation.
14. Pupils' heights
The health visitor at a school is going to measure the heights of all pupils. For each class she makes a statistics giving the number of pupils of each height and the average height.
Make a C++ program that helps the health visitor making the statistics.
In a class with 20 pupils the heights of the individual pupils, in centimeters, are:
175, 167, 160, 164, 183, 187, 188, 179, 176, 175,
169, 175, 176, 178, 165, 160, 173, 165, 187, 178
The program should read in all the numbers and make a table like this:
height number of pupils
160 2
164 1
165 2
167 1
... ...
... ...
188 1
average height 174.0
15. Pocket calculator
The program should read in a text string containing a list of numbers separated by + or - and output the sum. The program should also tell how many positive numbers and how many negative (subtracted) numbers there are.
input: 8.4 + 2.6 - 3.5 + 1
output: result = 8.5, positive numbers: 3, negative numbers: 1.
The input cannot contain any other operators than + and -. Spaces are allowed.
The program should be organized so that main reads the input as a single text string and outputs the results. The interpretation of the text string and calculation of results should be in a separate sub-function. Do not use global variables.
Tip: the function atof can read a number from a text string. Anything that comes after the number is ignored by atof.
16. The political oracle
In the year 2097, the president of the United States of Europe doesn't have the time to write his own political speeches because he is busy hosting a lottery show on TV. His secretary has asked you to make a computer program which can write political speeches by combining popular clichés randomly. A statement is generated by combining randomly selected phrases from each of the categories G, A, S, and V below according to the scheme G - A - S - V - G - A - S. For example:
"My improved freedom benefits our common responsible national security."
Hint: The function random(n) will give you a random number in the interval from 0 to n-1. Use this function to choose a cliché from a category containing n clichés. The function randomize() must be called in the start of the main program before the first call to random(n).
Write #include
Category G
my, our common, the party's, my family's, our children's, my fellow Europeans', the government's, the industry's, the consumers', the immigrants', the only truly
Category A
improved, responsible, peacekeeping, free, pro-life, politically correct, integrated, federal, progressive, anti-crime, drug-addicted, gradual, democratic, genetically engineered, racial
Category S
freedom, national security, abuse, opportunity, tax cut, congress, task force, Europe, decision, dialogue, future, community, answer, environment, set of family-values, legislation, discrimination
Category V
benefits, improves, decreases, supports, is built on, is the best guarantee for, creates an opportunity for, forms, is necessary for, will be established to combat
17. Matrix operations
Write a program that can do the following:
• addition of two matrices
• subtraction of two matrices
• multiplication of a matrix by a scalar
• multiplication of a matrix by a matrix
• transpose a matrix
The order of the matrices could be 3 x 3, or variable if you want.
18. Make a function that can solve two linear equations with two unknowns. The solution should be returned through pointer parameters or reference parameters. Make a program that inputs the six coefficients, calls the function, and outputs the solution.
19. Make a function that solves a quadratic equation, and a program that uses this function. The function should return the number of solutions as well as the solutions (if any) to the calling program.
In case you've forgotten everything you've learned in math, here are the formulae:
20. Bit manipulation
Write a function that prints out an integer in binary representation.
Write a function that finds the parity of an integer. The parity is 1 if there is an odd number of 1-bits in the binary representation of the integer, and 0 if there is an even number of 1-bits.
Write a program that reads in an integer and outputs the number in binary representation and the parity of the number, using the functions above.
21. Primes
A prime number is a positive integer which is not divisible by any other number, except by 1. The first ten prime numbers are:
1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, ...
Write a program that finds all prime numbers below 1000.
The program should determine if a number is prime by trying if it is divisible by any of the prime numbers found so far. If it is not divisible by any prime number, then it is a prime. There is no need to test even numbers.
22. Telephone directory
Make a program that can sort a list of names and telephone numbers alphabetically. Persons are sorted alphabetically by their last names. Persons with the same last name are sorted by their first names.
Input: names and telephone numbers,
Output: list of names and telephone numbers ordered alphabetically.
Define a structure named person that contains a person's first name, last name, and telephone number.
Define a function that compares two structures of type person according to the following prototype:
int compare(person * a, person * b);
This function should return a negative value if person a comes before b, and a positive value if b comes before a. (You may use the function stricmp(name1,name2) to compare two strings).
Define a function that swaps the contents of two structures of type person:
void swap(person * x, person * y);
Use the following function to sort an array of structures of type person:
void sort(person * list, int NumberOfPersons)
{ // sort list using bubble sort method (page 96):
int a, b;
for (a=1; a
for (b=NumberOfPersons-1; b>=a; b--)
if (compare(list+b-1, list+b) > 0)
swap(list+b-1, list+b);
23. Ohm's law
Make a class describing a resistor with the following members:
• a private data member for the resistance, R
• a public member function to set the value of R
• a public member function to calculate the current I from the voltage E
• a public member function to calculate the voltage E from the current I
• a public member function to calculate the power dissipation P from the current I using the formula P = I•E, where E is calculated using the previous member function.
Make a program to test this class.
24. Pendulum
Make a C++ class describing a simple pendulum with appropriate data members and member functions for setting the values of the length , mass m, and energy E, calculating the time period
and the velocity in the lower position
25. Parabola as object
Make a class defining a polynomial of second degree y = A x2 + B x + C
The coefficients A, B, C should be private. The class should contain the following member functions:
• a function that sets the coefficients to desired values
• a function that calculates y for a given value of x
• a function that tells how many roots there are and returns the roots (if any)
• a function that tells whether the polynomial has a maximum, a minimum, or no extremum, and gives x and y for the extremum (if any)
Make a program to test an object of this class.
In case you've forgotten everything you've learned in math, here are the formulae:
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