Saturday, April 24, 2010

DSL Practical Exam Variation List From Anil Bhadgale Sir



Group A (C++ programming)

• Create binary search tree and perform recursive traversals (Preorder, Inorder and Postorder)

• Create binary search tree and perform non recursive traversals (Preorder, Inorder and Postorder)

• Create a binary expression tree for any expression (infix/prefix/postfix) and perform non recursive traversals.

Eg. A+B



/ \


• Create a binary expression tree for any expression (infix/prefix/postfix) and perform recursive traversals.

• Create a binary expression tree for any expression(infix/prefix/postfix) and perform non recursive Inorder and Preorder traversals and recursive Postorder traversal( any combination can be asked in examination)

• For any of above tree assignment perform deletion of node operation, The tree should be updated after deleting the node( assume different cases like lea, non leaf node with single child/double child)

• Create binary search tree and find height of the tree, print leaf nodes.

• Create binary tree for string as information and find height of the tree, print leaf nodes and display siblings of each other, find the number of subtrees that can be generated.

• Create binary tree by asking the user to insert (left/right).Find mirror image, print original and mirror image using level-wise printing

• Create in-order threaded binary tree and perform traversals(also deletion of node)

• Represent graph using adjacency list (Adjacency matrix) and perform DFS(Non recursive/recursive )

• Represent graph using adjacency list (Adjacency matrix) and perform BFS (Non recursive/recursive )

• Represent graph using adjacency list or matrix and generate minimum spanning tree using Prism’s algorithm

• Represent graph using adjacency list or matrix and generate minimum spanning tree using Kruskal’s algorithm (prims and kruskals having same minimum weight)

• Represent graph using adjacency list or matrix and find shortest distance and path using Dijkstra’s Algorithm

• Implementation of AVL tree

• Implementation of direct access file using different collision resolution techniques(using linear probing/chaining)

• Different File operations using command line arguments on sequential file.

Group B (STL implementation)

• Write a program to add binary numbers (assume one bit as one number)

• Implement Dqueue (Double ended queue)

• Use STL for Sorting and searching with user-defined records such as Person Record

(Name, birth date, telephone no), item record (item code, item name, quantity and cost)

• .Implementation of SLL , DLL and CLL

• Implementation of stack & queue using SLL

Group C

• Write a C++ program to implement a small database mini project to understand persistent objects and operations on sequential files (eg library information, inventory systems, automated banking system, reservation systems etc.) For example, write a program to create a database for reservation

system using information such as Name, sex, age, starting place of journey and destination. Program should have following facilities

a) To display entire passenger list

b) To display particular record

c) To update record

d) To delete and sort record

Use Exception Handling for data verification

(Subject I/c)